Litany to Mannanan King of magic, lord of the fair plain beneath the wave- Mannanan Mac Lir, we call on you. The fish are your cattle, and the waving seaweed Your fair forests- Mannanan Mac Lir, we call on you. Lord of the Fairy Rowan Tree, whose berries cure any ill And give to all that which they deserve and have not- Mannanan Mac Lir, we call on you. Lord of the Isle of Man and the Isles of Shoals- Mannanan Mac Lir, we call on you. You who walk over the land, invisible, To bless your folk- Mannanan Mac Lir, we call on you. You whose daughters are the great rivers, The Merrimack, the swift-moving water- Mannanan Mac Lir, we call on you. Let your cloak pass between us and all misfortune- Mannanan Mac Lir, we call on you. And let your boat, Ocean Sweeper, come to us, That carries us all on the journey of heart's desire- Mannanan Mac Lir, we call on you. Litanies Home |